The potato war

To be able to offer a product as much ours as the potato chip, a product that cannot be missing in family gatherings, in bars and now also in renowned kitchens; to be able to offer good quality, it is essential to have a good raw material, good equipment and above all that the manufacturing process is the right one.

At Trainomaq, we know this well because we manufacture the best machines for these processes. In our catalog you can find the peeler that will mark a before and after, forget about breakdowns, continuous maintenance that stop production. There is also our slicer, easy to use and clean, with a great versatility and of course our fryers, specially designed to have the least fuel expenditure, generating the highest production.

We offer you a news of the newspaper ” El independiente of 08/02/2023 ” La guerra de la patata enfrenta al campo con los supermercados: “Venden un Seat como si fuera un Mercedes” ( This news, once again demonstrates that we have to take care of ” the national”…